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A Message from Jim Priester

On August 20, 2024, I seek your vote for Sheriff of St. Johns County.  I am a career law enforcement officer—not a politician.  It is my firm conviction that new leadership is demanded at the Sheriff’s Office because of the unacceptable state of the agency.  This is the compelling motivation for my candidacy.

Morale has never been so low, and this situation is having a negative impact on the overall protection of St. Johns County, the safety of our deputies, and our community.

As first responders, we often encounter folks at some of the lowest points in their lives.  It is our job to uphold the law and do the right thing for the right reasons—even when no one is watching. As Sheriff, my team and I will work to restore integrity and community trust through transparency and fiscal responsibility. 

Chip In Now!

I’m hoping you will chip in even just $3 today to support my sheriff’s campaign. Your support will make an important impact.